Dinner Options for the Busy Graduate Student - Graduate & Professional School (2025)

When you are in graduate school, your time is likely strapped with other responsibilities such as teaching, research and involvements. So by the time you get home, you open the fridge and find nothing that appeases you. In an optimal world, I would encourage you to go to the grocery store and prepare your meals for the week- many times that is not the case of what reality is. Myself, among many graduate students, face difficulties when it comes to having meals ready and/or a stocked fridge in order to cook. When I am working 9-13 hours in a day, I do not feel like “thinking” of a meal to cook much less actually cooking food for dinner.

So what are your options? Recently, there have been some excellent new delivery services that bring all the ingredients right to your front door step. The best part about this, you don’t have to go to the grocery store or think of what you’re going to have for dinner- it is already all there for you. These delivery systems are excellent for you to have nutritious meals composed of protein, vegetable and grain- yay! So what are some of those choices, you’ve likely heard of Blue Apron or Hello Fresh because they do a lot of marketing. However, there are many other companies that offer similar services.

The following information is taken from another article (with reference at the bottom):


Meal breakdown:HelloFresh offers classic boxes, which include meat and fish recipes; veggie boxes, which are vegetarian with plant-based proteins; and family boxes, which are meant to be more healthful takes on kid-friendly favorites. HelloFresh has partnered with Jamie Oliver, and one of his recipes is highlighted each week. The meal kits don't cater to specific dietary needs, but in keeping with FDA regulations, the company does disclose all allergens on nutrition labels.

What it costs:Starts at $69 for a classic box (three meals for two people), $59 for a veggie box (three meals for two people), $105 for a family box (three meals for four people).
For more information, visitwww.hellofresh.com.

Blue Apron

Meal breakdown:Blue Apron is a subscription-based model that offers vegetarian, pescetarian, and omnivore plans each week. Customers can choose from six new meals with the two-person menu or four new meals from the family menu, and can skip deliveries at any time with at least one week's notice.

What it costs:A two-person plan includes three meals per person per week: $9.99/meal or $59.94/box. The four-person family plan includes either two or four meals per person per week, at $8.74/meal, or $69.92/box for two meals.
For more information, visitwww.blueapron.com.


Meal breakdown: Plated focuses on seasonality, quality, and sustainability of all included ingredients, aiming for balance across offerings from high-protein seafood dishes to fiber-filled farro bowls and meatless options for vegetarians.

What it costs:Plans start at $48 for two dinners per week plus shipping and $72 for three dinners per week (free shipping for orders of three or four dinners per week).
For more information, visitwww.plated.com.
Dinner Options for the Busy Graduate Student - Graduate & Professional School (1)

Terra's Kitchen
Terra's Kitchen offers subscriptions for a variety of meal types, including vegetarian, gluten-free, vegan, paleo, and low calorie, and no recipe requires more than 30 minutes of cooking.

Meal breakdown:Customers can choose from more than 40 meals on the website (new selections are added twice per month), such as pecan-crusted tilapia with lemony fennel-arugula salad and turkey spinach meatballs in skinny.

What it costs:Choose from three plans (three dinners for two people, four dinners for two people, or two dinners for four people), at a $64.99 minimum delivery with free shipping and handling.
For more information, visitwww.terraskitchen.com.

Martha & Marley Spoon

Meal breakdown:Customers can choose from two subscription plans: a two-person plan and a family plan, which feeds two adults and two children and offers more kid-friendly foods. Every week, customers receive an e-mail with five to seven new recipes (at least three are vegetarian), from which they can choose, or they can skip the week. All meals are designed to be prepped and cooked within 40 minutes, and recipe cards include smart cooking techniques and other tips.

What it costs:Meals range from $8.70 to $12 per portion, with the most popular plan (three meals for two people) totaling $61.50.
For more information, visitwww.marleyspoon.com.


Meal breakdown:From the website, customers choose from at least eight weekly menu options—one-half of these are swapped out seasonally, while the other half are refreshed weekly. Serving a crowd? Individuals can order up to 12 servings per dish (no fewer than two). PeachDish aims to ensure three vegetarian options are available, and gluten-free dishes are specifically labeled.

What it costs:Boxes start around $12.50 per person per meal, depending on the number of meals ordered.


Meal breakdown:Because Chef'd offers à la carte meals, customers can use the website to filter through the 300-plus available meals for their particular dietary restrictions (such as gluten-free or vegan), preference (such as low carb or family friendly), preferred skill level, and even cook time.

What it costs:Two-serving à la carte meals range from $15 to $46; four-serving à la carte meals range from $25 to $79. In general, Ransford says per-serving meals range from $6.50 to $23.
For more information, visitwww.chefd.com.

Green Chef

Meal breakdown:Plans for various dietary preferences and restrictions include vegetarian, omnivore (two meat or seafood with one veggie dish), carnivore (three meat or seafood dishes), gluten-free, paleo, and vegan. The company aims for well-balanced meals with loads of organic vegetables and other wholesome ingredients. In fact, all ingredients are USDA-certified organic and GMO-free whenever possible. One example of what this looks like: a fall harvest bowl with kale, walnuts, barley, roasted veggies, and fresh pear. On its vibrantly colored recipe card, customers will see that the meal contains 560 kcal. For the remaining nutrition information, they'll have to visit the website, where a full nutrition label reads 21 g fat, 3 g saturated fat, 21 g fiber, 18 g protein, and 290 mg sodium.

What it costs:Two-person plans with three dinners range from $10.49 per serving for the vegetarian option to $14.99 per serving for the paleo selection. Family plans (two dinners with four servings each) are priced at $11.99 and $12.99 per person (for omnivore and carnivore plans, respectively).
For more information, visithttps://greenchef.com/home.
Reference for all nutrition delivery service information: http://www.todaysdietitian.com/newarchives/0117p24.shtml

Thanks and Gig’em,

Kristen Hicks MS, RD, LD, PhD Candidate | Nutrition and Food Science

Kristen Hicksis a PhD Candidate and Registered Dietitian in BCS who aspires to improve the health of all Americans.

Dinner Options for the Busy Graduate Student - Graduate & Professional School (2025)


How do you make dinner on a busy schedule? ›

100 quick dinners for busy weeknights
  1. 1One-pot cajun chicken and rice. ...
  2. 2Cheeseburger nachos. ...
  3. 3Tuna mornay jacket potatoes. ...
  4. 4Sticky caramel pork sausage stir-fry. ...
  5. 5One-pan teriyaki beef and rice. ...
  6. 6Moroccan lamb with pea hummus. ...
  7. 7Chicken cacciatore with cheesy garlic bread recipe. ...
  8. 8Thai drunken noodles.

How can I succeed in grad school while working full time? ›

Advice and How-Tos for Working Full-Time and Going to Grad School
  1. Build an Attainable Course Schedule.
  2. Consider Online Learning.
  3. Check Your Employer's Tuition Reimbursement Program.
  4. Make (and Stick to) Plans and Schedules.
  5. Ask for Advice From Those Who've Been There.
  6. Celebrate Wins.
  7. Be Open With Co-Workers and Family.
Jan 3, 2024

How do you cook for busy people? ›

Time-saving cooking suggestions for busy people

Double up on tasks – you can save time if you do 2 things at once. For example, prepare your pasta sauce while your spaghetti is cooking. Prepare one-pot meals – such as soups, risottos, slow-cooked curries and casseroles to save on time and washing up.

Do most people work while going to grad school? ›

An advanced degree could be exactly what you need to take your career to new heights. However, most people who want to go to grad school also work full-time. Adding classes, homework, and exams on top of a busy job can seem overwhelming if you don't learn strategies to balance it all.

How to afford grad school while working? ›

To sum up, you can make grad school more affordable by:
  1. Taking advantage of financial aid.
  2. Working on campus.
  3. Getting your work to pay for it.
  4. Earning your degree online.
  5. Taking an accelerated program (if you are qualified)

How to survive during grad school? ›

How to Survive Grad School – 6 Ways to Avoid a Meltdown
  1. Choose the right program and school. ...
  2. Prepare for the time commitment in advance. ...
  3. Talk to your family and friends. ...
  4. Remember why you're in grad school. ...
  5. Accept that you can't do everything. ...
  6. Ask for help when you need it. ...
  7. Some Helpful Resources.

How do you meal prep on a busy schedule? ›

Your Step-by-Step Guide on Meal Planning With A Busy Schedule
  1. Step #1 Pick Your Healthy & Delicious Recipes. ...
  2. Step #2 Decide How Many Portions You Need to Prep. ...
  3. Step #3 Prep Some Staples. ...
  4. Step #4 Pick Your Meal Plan Day. ...
  5. Step #5 Double or Triple Your Recipes. ...
  6. Step #6 Choose The Right Containers. ...
  7. Step #7 Repurpose Recipes.

How do you make time with a busy schedule? ›

How to manage a busy schedule
  1. Divide large tasks into smaller ones. ...
  2. Prioritize. ...
  3. Monitor your time. ...
  4. Plan your meetings strategically. ...
  5. Set achievable performance expectations. ...
  6. Delegate or outsource some of your tasks. ...
  7. Accept the amount of work you can realistically handle. ...
  8. Keep a central schedule.
Jul 2, 2024

How do you eat on a night shift schedule? ›

offered these diet guidelines for shift workers.
  1. Avoid eating or reduce food intake between midnight and 6 a.m. Use the normal day and night pattern of meal timing as much as possible, and divide eating into three meals per 24-hour period.
  2. Eat more frequently when you need to boost your energy.

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.