What is Dearmoring? (aka De-armoring or De-armouring)
Dearmoring is the liberation of trauma, stuck energy, and undigested emotions from our past. The aim is to reconnect with the essential beauty and joy of life. Combined with focused energy and breath, armor is activated by firmly and lovingly holding pressure points. This can lead to the expression of anger, tears, and laughter. Old memories can come to the surface for insight, understanding, and resolution. We do this together, following your energy in a spontaneous dance. The session ends with calming and integration, sometimes even being held or stroked like a baby (re-parenting). The process may continue to unwind for days and weeks, as old patterns fall away and your true essence is revealed.
Benefits of Dearmoring
Releasing old pain, blockages, and trauma will return you to the primal state — juicy, soft, and pulsating with the simple joy of being alive. When your authentic self is rediscovered, you shine brightly with a zest for life and have greater access to pleasure. You become empowered, find your voice, open to the inner wisdom of deep feelings, and are available for full expression of life.
Feeling is Healing
It is said that “feelings buried alive never die,” meaning that old pain cannot be released until it is fully felt. This can happen quickly under the right circumstances, yet it will take courage and conscious effort on your part in order to reclaim the disconnected parts that were previously too painful to digest. Therefore, Dearmoring is not a passive experience like a massage. Only you can do the job of feeling yourself, so ultimately I will simply be helping you to dearmor yourself! I will coach you to feel more by breathing, moving, and making sound. The more you can be present to fully express, the faster your armor can release.
What is Armor?
Our ego structure has an intelligently protective mechanism to help us survive overwhelm, at times when we didn’t have the capacity to fully feel the pain of traumatic life experiences (e.g. in childhood, or with big accidents). As a result, parts of ourselves got “unplugged” and went numb. Without this protective armoring, our sense of self would have been destroyed — so armor was our saving grace in a life-or-death matter of survival! However this stabilization came at a cost: the ability to fully feel the good parts of life was also diminished.
Healing in Relation
Healing does not happen in a vacuum. Since trauma mostly occurs in relation to others, it needs to heal and be witnessed in relatedness as well. I will holding a fiercely loving and unwavering presence. It’s like the resonance of a musical instrument… you are the vibrating string, while I amplify the waves with attuned, spacious awareness.
As Deep as You are Ready
People often describe the experience as a psychedelic journey. i will guide you in consciousness-altering breathwork. Full-body orgasmic energy or kundalini can frequently arise. We will gently and safely go as deeply “down the rabbit hole” as you are willing. You can be naked or remain fully clothed, as your feel is appropriate for you. If it’s indicated and fully consensual, I may put on a glove and work inside the mouth, anus, or genitals. Refer to this page for more info on genital dearmoring.
I’ll Be Your Sacred Guide
This is incredibly sacred healing work, and I will hold your inner child with the utmost integrity and care. Accordingly, I maintain clear ethical and professional boundaries, and never engage in sexual or romantic exchange with clients. Please contact me if you are curious about this work, and we can discuss what is appropriate for you regarding your needs, boundaries, and desires.
I recommend booking 3 hours for your very first Dearmoring session, to allow extra time for intake and deepening trust. A series of 3 sessions (with 3-6 weeks between) will maximize results, as surface layers peel off and deeper armor is revealed. Please inquire about a package discount.
My Qualifications
I have done decades of personal process work and emotional integration. My deep life experience qualifies me to guide you through feelings I have been through myself. I have been doing internal bodywork and holding space for emotional process work for over 5 years. In 2019-20, I completed nearly 200 hours of training with Dearmouring Arts in Holland.
I am not trained as a psychotherapist, so will advise you to get extra support through talk therapy as needed. If you have a serious medical condition, please consult with your doctor to get permission beforehand. Dearmoring is contraindicated if you are taking psychiatric medications, are pregnant, or have epilepsy.